Tulipon: Call for Researchers!

Are you missing out on researching the new Red Gold (Menses) for Biomarkers?

Tulipon is the only market available tool for researchers to properly unlock the long overdue secrets of the monthly bleeding!

Tulipon is now available for researchers who want to collect menses for studying various biomarkers.

Contact us to get more details or order your research devices.

Tulipon: Empowering Women with Fem-Wearables

Women Empowerment with Home Period Diagnostics

Tulipon is our first Fem-Wearable device, revolutionizing women’s hygiene, wellness, and health with a single, compact vaginal device integrated with an AI-powered smartphone app.

Designed for ease of use, Tulipon is inserted just like a regular tampon using a water-dissolvable applicator, yet it functions as a menstrual cup—offering added diagnostic capabilities that:



Tulipon collects the vaginal effluents better/safer/longer than any other tampon or menstrual cup on the market. It offers leak free experience up to 12 hours, during any time or activity.


Tulipon monitors and screens women’s wellness & health based on biomarkers found in this “Mother Nature’s Monthly Gift”, offering period diagnostics at the palm of your hand, in the privacy of your own home.

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Tulipon: Menstrual cup with sensors
Tulipon: Period Diagnostics in the privacy of your home!

Be in the know
Monitor your health in the privacy of your home

Period Diagnostics
at the palm of your hand

Vaginal wearable cup, empowering women with holistic period management & diagnostics.

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